"Can U Hear Me Now?" Youth Conference
   Removing Barriers So We Can Hear Him!
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​3pm - 6pm Check in
6pm-7pm Dinner
7:15pm-8:15pm General SessionSonny Capolupo: "Unbound & Victorious"
8:15pm-9pm United Prayer Session
10pm Lights Out

7:30am - 8:30am Morning DevotionalMaboshe Makesa "To Know Him"
8:30am - 9:30am Breakfast
9:30am-10:30am Personal Testimony
Christian & Morgan Hunte: "When Jesus Met Me in the Trenches"

11am-1pm General SessionMarcus Mason: " Cherishing the Birthright"

1pm-2pm Lunch
2pm-4:45pm Exhibits, Counseling, Hike, Free Time

4:45pm-6pm Break out SessionsPersonal Testimonies
    Peter Chung: "The Word of Their Testimony"
    Greg Cox: "A Transformed Life"
    Mikey Jenny: "From Goth to God"
    Scott Mayer: "If God Could Save a Drug Addict Like Me Then..."
    Taariq Patel: "From the Drug House to Lord's House"

6pm - 7pm Dinner

7pm - 8:15pm Break out SessionsPersonal Testimonies
    Shay Capolupo: "From Vice to Victory in Jesus"
    Peter Chung: "The Word of Their Testimony"
    Mikey Jenny: "From Goth to God"
    Jon Laolagi: "Sex, Lies, and Videotape; the REAL story of one man's victory in Christ"
    Maboshe Makesa: "Blinded by Darkness"

8:30pm - 9:45pm Break out SessionPersonal Testimonies
    Sonny Capolupo: "Victory Made Practical"
    Greg Cox: "A Transformed Life"
    Jon Laolagi: "Sex, Lies, and Videotape; the REAL story of one man's victory in Christ"
    Scott Mayer: "If God Could Save a Drug Addict Like Then..."
    Taariq Patel: "From the Drug House to Lord's House"

9:45pm - 10:45pm Exhibits

9:45pm - 10:45pm Youth Rap Session led by Shay and Sonny Capolupo


6:45am - 7:30am  United Prayer Session
7:30am - 8:30am Morning Devotional 
Taariq Patel: "Two Men and the Lord, and a Promegrate Tree"

8:30am - 9:30am Breakfast
9:30am - 10:30am Panel Discussion
11am - 1pm General Session Michael Johnson

1pm - 2pm Lunch
2pm-2:15pm Group Picture
2:15pm - 3:15pm Exhibits, Counseling, Hike, Free Time
3:15pm - 4:15 pm Baptism

4:45pm - 6pm Break out Sessions - Evangelism 
    Peter Chung: :How to Study the Bible"
    Maboshe Makesa: "A Finishing Work"
    Marcus Mason: "Evangelism...War on the Frontline"
    Taariq Patel: Rescuing POW's

6pm - 7pm Dinner

7pm - 8:15pm Break out Sessions - Evangelism
    Peter Chung: "How to Study the Bible"
    Christian & Morgan Hunte: "Love At First Sight?"
    Michael Johnson: "Gaining Decisions for Jesus"
    Marcus Mason: "Evangelism...War on the Frontline"

8:30pm - 9:45pm  Break out Sessions - Evangelism
    Shay Capolupo: "Repairers of the Breach"
    Morgan Hunte: "Natural Remedies"
    Maboshe Makesa: "Finishing the Work"
    Taariq Patel: "Recuing POWs"

9:45pm -10:45pm Exhibits 

9:45pm - 10:45pm Youth Rap Session Led by Shay & Sonny Capolupo


6:45am - 7:30am United Prayer
7:30am - 8:30am Morning Devotional Marcus Mason: "Redemption of an Alienated Planet"
8:30am - 9:30am Breakfast
10am - 12pm Closing Session Scott Mayer: "How Not To Be Deceived"
12pm - 1pm Lunch
1pm Pack up

12th Annual 
Theme: Unbound & Victorious 
"Hearing God Through Personal Testimony"